
The Awesome Cobra Script Extender (ACSE) is a tool used to expand scripting capabilities and add additional functionality to the games using Cobra engine.

View the Project on GitHub OpenNaja/ACSE

Advanced Cobra Script Extender

You probably reached this page because a mod asked you to download and install ACSE. If this the case then please follow the instructions below.

Installing ACSE

Note: If you have a previous version of ACSE installed, the new one must overwrite the old one. There cannot be two version of ACSE installed at the same time.

Uninstalling ACSE


This software is developed under ‘fair use’ by enthusiasts and is not affiliated with Universal© or Frontier® in any form. By downloading and using this software, you agree to the following conditions:


Get in touch

Some Discords where modding progress is discussed can be found here: