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Documentation Primer

The documentation uses mkdocs-literate-nav for navigation.

External Linking

Please use the Markdown attribute lists extension to add target=_blank to external links. This opens them in a new tab and will not interrupt documentation flow.


Relative Linking


Links to other Markdown files must use paths relative to the source Markdown file, and include the .md extension.


Images and Other Assets

Other assets such as images must also be linked relative to the source Markdown file.


For images in the root assets folder, you will need to traverse every subfolder with ../



Images Subfolders

Remote vs Local

All asset links should start with at least ./ because of the way Markdown files in subfolders are rendered to a URI. For some reason links without ./ can resolve correctly locally but not remotely.

  |-- Guides
    |-- Plugin
      |-- images/
        |-- image.png     # /docs/Guides/Plugins/images/image.png
      |--        # /docs/Guides/Plugins/
      |--         # /docs/Guides/Plugins/

In both and, links to Plugin/images should start with ./images/. Links starting with images/ will not work for as the URI will be Guides/Plugin/Page/.


For full documentation see Annotations Usage


For full documentation see Admonitions Usage.

Admonition Classes

All non-quoted text after !!! becomes a CSS class. Some useful built-in classes are inline and end.

Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla et euismod nulla.

!!! info inline end "Lorem ipsum"

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
    adipiscing elit. Nulla et euismod nulla.

Use inline end to align to the right (left for rtl languages).

Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla et euismod nulla.

!!! info inline "Lorem ipsum"

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
    adipiscing elit. Nulla et euismod nulla.

To customize specific admonitions:

  1. Create a CSS class in extra.css
  2. Use this class in the admonition declaration.

    Example: Wider Inline Admonitions

    /* The admonition type is not included in the selector, for use in all inline admonitions */
    .md-typeset .admonition.inline.inline-wide {
        width: 20rem;
    !!! info inline inline-wide end "Info Title"
        Info text

    Info Title

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla et euismod nulla. Curabitur feugiat, tortor non consequat finibus, justo purus auctor massa, nec semper lorem quam in massa.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla et euismod nulla. Curabitur feugiat, tortor non consequat finibus, justo purus auctor massa, nec semper lorem quam in massa.

    Info Title

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla et euismod nulla. Curabitur feugiat, tortor non consequat finibus, justo purus auctor massa, nec semper lorem quam in massa.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla et euismod nulla. Curabitur feugiat, tortor non consequat finibus, justo purus auctor massa, nec semper lorem quam in massa.

Custom Admonitions

Some new admonitions have been created for the cobra-tools documentation. For reference on how to create them, see Custom Admonitions.


The FAQ admonition is used for Q&A formatting, with the Question as the custom admonition name.

!!! faq "Question?"
!!! faq "Q. Question 1?<br>Q. Question 2?"
    Answer for both questions


Be mindful of the use of quotes, line breaks, and indentation in the above example.



Q. Question 1?
Q. Question 2?

Answer for both questions


The Construction admonition is used to caution users of documents still under development.

!!! construction
    This page is still under construction!


Be mindful of the use of quotes, line breaks, and indentation in the above example.


This page is still under construction!

Content Tabs

For full documentation see PyMdown Extensions Tabbed

Paragraphs, code blocks, and entire sections can be turned into tabs with the following syntax:

=== "Tab 1"

    Tab 1 Content

=== "Tab 2"

    Tab 2 Content

Tab 1 Content

Tab 2 Content


Be mindful of the use of quotes, line breaks, and indentation in the above example.


For full documentation see PyMdown Extensions Snippets

--8<-- ""

C:\Users\USERNAME(1)\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.0(2)\scripts\addons\cobra-tools-master\blender_plugin.log

  1. Your Windows username
  2. Your version of Blender, e.g. 4.0


It helps to remember the syntax as ASCII scissors 8< surrounded by two dashes